At Benchmark, we care about a lot of things. Our user experience, great customer service...and even the theme of our next office potluck. More importantly, We Care About Kids.

Benchmark offers free email marketing for non-profits that help children. Make Benchmark be a part of your village.
You could be reading the next Monthly Newsletter on your brand new Kindle Fire! You may also be well on your way with your own DIY business thanks to our latest series on the Benchmark Blog: Dream. Invest. Yield. The ABCs of DIY. Like Benchmark Email on Facebook and enter your email to win the giveaway and follow the series all week long. The winner will be contacted via email on Monday, February 25 at 9:00am PST.
Ask Andy. No, seriously. Do it! We're always looking for new questions to answer with our Ask Andy video series. Give us your best marketing, business or life questions. School House Rock doesn't get to have all the cartoon education fun!
Improving Deliverability: A Beginner's Guide. Discover the Four Pillars of Deliverability in this short video tutorial with our Support Supervisor and everybody's favorite webinar host, Julia.

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