Once upon a time, Benchmark sought to help business find social success. Our latest series on the Benchmark Blog is dedicated to helping you find your social media happily ever after. Follow along this week, and soon you’ll be able to add your own chapter of Social Success Stories.

Arthur pulled his sword from the stone to become the king. You’ll need your weapon too. That’s why we’re giving away an iPad Mini as our Social Success Stories giveaway. It’ll be just the tool you need to help conquer social media. Subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter to be entered to win. We’ll announce the winner on Monday, April 29th at 9:00AM PST. Good luck!
Did you know your business and marketing questions could be answered in the next Ask Andy video? As a bonus this month, if you Ask Andy an event marketing related question, you will be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card!

Check out our brand new Ask Andy trailer.
Speaking of events...we want to see where you’re at with Benchmark Events. If you’ve already created an event, let us know how it went. If not, what are ya waitin’ for?!
Monday was Earth Day. To help celebrate, we created an infographic called The Ecology of Earth & Email. It makes the case for email marketing and why best practices should always be put to use. Plus, it has a tag line that Ron Burgundy would approve: you stay grassy, planet Earth.

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