It's still early on in 2014. It's not too late to establish goals for your business in this new year. Setting up a marketing funnel will ensure you can meet and perhaps even exceed your goals. Eyes on the prize. That's why we're calling our January Series "Funnel Vision: Focusing Your Digital Marketing."

Plus, we're giving away a Kindle Fire HD! That way you'll be able to stay up-to-date on the latest marketing books and do your social media on the go. Simply retweet any "Funnel Vision: Focusing Your Digital Marketing" post to be entered to win. You must follow @BenchmarkEmail on Twitter to be eligible to win.

Some of you may have noticed the new satisfaction survey when you logged into your account. We love hearing all the feedback! There's been a lot of nice things said and we genuinely appreciate it (and even the constructive criticism too). Tell us what is, or isn't, working for y'all. We can't get enough of hearing from all of you.

We may even ask you to record a customer testimonial, like this one with the Stitch Cafe.

We have had many great guests in our time so far with the Heart of Business podcast. None asked us to grade them on the stop, at the conclusion of the episode. That's just one of the many great, unique things about Andrew Warner. He created Mixergy to allow businesses to learn outside of the classroom, by conducting video interviews. He shared his great story with us.

Listen to: Stirring It Up with Mixergy's Andrew Warner.

Many of our users take advantage of the ease of use of WordPress to create their websites. Even businesses as large as the New York Times do it. Did you know Benchmark has an awesome WordPress integration? Well, we sure do! You can email blog posts, add signup forms to your website, even send test emails and view reports ... all from your WordPress Dashboard.

Check out the Benchmark Email Lite WordPress Plugin.

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