Bland Brand? That Won’t Stand! is our new Benchmark series.
It’s sure to answer each and every one of your branding queries.
Since it’s his birth month, we’ve dedicated it to Dr. Seuss.
We figured that’d be a bit more fun than Mother Goose.

We will be giving away a Kindle Fire.
Retweet any post in this series to attain the thing you desire.
To win the prize, @BenchmarkEmail on Twitter you must follow.
Do so and in success you will surely wallow.

Chris Brogan is our latest Heart of Business guest.
We wouldn’t argue if you said he was the best.
When it comes to business and marketing, he’s done it all.
Having the chance to talk with him was really a ball.

He said consumers should love your product so much they’d get a tattoo.
He’s about to release a book about making a business out of being you.
Listen along and have some fun.
This is a podcast episode for everyone!


We’re super excited to debut a brand new Ask Andy!
It’s chock full of branding tips sure to come in handy.
Jennie E. asked: If I don’t want my company to be a thing of the past,
how can I go about building a brand that will last?

It’s part of our great series, “Bland Brand? That Won’t Stand!”
It will help you to become the best business in all the land.
It’s sure to teach you more than a thing or two.
Fun for everyone from experts to those who don’t have a clue.

Putting the GREAT in Integrations with a focus on WordPress.
You can send your blog posts to your subscribers email address.
It’s written by the great and talented Dorothy Le.
Spreading the reach of your blog is easy, you see!

It’s a great way to get readers to your blog.
They’ll flock to it like ants on a log.
You may not be sure of the amount that refers to, but we promise that’s a lot.
They’ll come to your blog like they’re in search of treasure where X marks the spot.

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