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Benchmark Email
New Email Designer is Here!
Start looking forward to conversations with your friends, coworkers, customers and peers that starts like this: “How did you do that?!” The answer, of course, is Benchmark’s new email designer (and because you’re awesome ... obviously). Prepare to amaze with the stunning new email campaigns you’ll be sending with ease.

It’s automatically responsive and mobile friendly. You can quickly drag-and-drop images and move around sections of your email. Plus, edit images without any need for Photoshop.
mobile app animation
Speaking of mobile friendly ... Benchmark Email’s mobile app has some exciting changes on deck as well. First and foremost, we’re launching for Android. There’s a few design and function changes as well. Overall, it’s a better on-the-go app experience for Apple and Android users alike. Hooray!
Heart of Business podcast with Ezekiel Bruni
Our latest episode of the Heart of Business brings Ezekiel Bruni, a UX Designer, who created Huge Nerd Studios. We get to the bottom of what ux design means, how to balance it with the other needs and wants of the client and so much more. Like Benchmark, ux design always keeps the users needs at the forefront.
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10621 Calle Lee, Los Alamitos, CA, 90720
